Freedom, true freedom is in the recognition that He took a lowly postion... to die To be hung on a Cross for you and I...that we might have a chance A glorious oppourtunity to have the wrath we deserve, poured out from above On His head; He is our defense, left for dead but He arose
My darkness with light exposed and yet there are those who end the story there And go gack to their former master... back to their shackles and slave names But for His fame and instrument, a tool was provided that we with Him could be united Pass me the nails and hammer please; Nail my body to the cursed tree of pain and shame"
"Crucify Him!"... no, no crucify me, this Cross means more than eternity... it's for the present For me to present, not for prestige but for the offensive, deplorable acts of my skin For the evil desires that war within my soul... at any moment I could loose control; I could burst into flames.
Freedom, true freedom is in the recognition that there has to be a daily killing Of self, of I, of me... Every desire and want and need Must be laid at His feet not laid to waste... It is for a tast of holiness and cosecration
So wont you, can you, should you, will you put down the frustration of slavery Of bondage and oppression to taste the sweet flavor of redemption of sacrifice... Of FREEDOM!