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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Perfect Little Family

If you keep up with this blog then you know God used a book entitled Family Driven Faith to impact my life. It really challenged me as a husband and as a father. One of the things the author addresses is general attitude of the culture towards children. According to the author of this book our society thinks the perfect family is one that has two children; a boy and a girl. You get a free pass to have a 3rd child if your first two are the same sex. I must admit that I really didn't buy in to this idea. Surely most people don't feel this way.

I think I might have been wrong. My wife is 3 months along now in this pregnancy and people are starting to ask questions. "Do you hope its a boy?" "What are you going to do if it's a girl?" "If it is a boy are you guys done?" When me or my wife respond and say no we are not done...we would like at least 4....people look horrified.

Are you kidding me? That is what I want to ask in reply. Who cares if its a boy or girl? Why is it a big deal to have more than 2? Im just not sure when the unwritten rule of one boy and one girl came into effect.

I love being a father. My little girl brings me such that I can't even express with words. I am so proud of her and she hasn't really done anything. I think the "perfect family" is the one that God provides. So I day "bring them on Lord." We will take more than two if You will let us!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

They are watching

If you know me very closely you know that I am an avid player of video games. I can't get enough of them really. Many times, later at night, I go to the end of the house where my TV and xbox are and I lay on my little couch and I play for hours. Sometimes I stay up later than I should. However, the confessions of my video game addiction is not why I am writing this blog.

I have a 20 month old daughter and she loves her daddy. When I am home with her she follows me around sometimes grabbing at my legs to prevent me from going into other rooms of the house. She watches me and listens to me. At times I will be in the kitchen speaking with my wife and little Cooper is standing just below me looking at me while I speak; taking it all in.

Well today I came in the house and guess what I saw? My little girl was sitting on my couch with my xbox controller in her hand, leaning back on my pillows, looking just like her daddy, saying, "oh no" at the TV. It was so funny yet so revealing of truth. Our children watch us. In my spirit I just thanked God for my daughter and I prayed that I would always be reminded that she is watching.

"Lord may I teach Cooper to follow me as I follow Christ. Amen!!!"

Monday, January 5, 2009

Gets me every time

So the new years has brought some exciting opportunity for me. MY wife is offering a Christian Ethics class as an elective at the private school where she teaches. This gives me the chance to go in about 2 to 3 times a week and lecture and discuss things with 14 high school seniors.

Today's class was simply an overview of what it means to be a Christian. After-all it is hard to understand a Christian ethic until you first understand what makes one a Christian. So the first question I asked this group of students is..."What makes a person a Christian?" The answers I got still make my head hurt.

"Asking Jesus into your heart." "Believing in Jesus." "Trying to live a good life." "Talking about God and doing what He says." These were the answers to my question. Many of these kids attend churches in the area. These responses are typical and part of the stats that we read about but man it just gets to me every time I hear them. How can these young people think this stuff?

If believing made anything true then the Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause would exist. The Devil believes in Jesus. There is not one verse that says, "ask Jesus into your heart." No one can live a good enough life for God because the Bible says "our best deeds are as filthy wrags before God."

I am greatful for this door that God has oppened for me. I pray that many of these students would find salvation by repenting of their sins and trusting Christ!!! Pray for me.