Jesus is amazing!! A Savior who didn't simply take our sin but became our sin; who suffered a vile and horrific death, the death of a criminal; A Jesus whose precious blood washes away sin; who suffered the wrath of God and provided atonement for sin. A Christ that gave me His righteousness and took my shame; and a Messiah that causes men to become a new creation.
Who cares that its not Christmas anymore. Everyday is a day to praise God and magnify the name of Jesus Christ!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I love Jesus!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
9:49 AM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Doxology IS Theology
As I have been preparing to preach my Christmas sermon series God has been revealing some truth to me that I feel compelled to share with the two of you that read this blog. My sermon series will come from the various songs that people sang in and around the time of Christ's birth; the song of Mary, Simeon, Angels, etc.
The conviction I have come to is this.....worship today is much too man centered! In our culture we like to start at the bottom and work upward. We start with self; our wants, our feelings, our emotions, our agendas, our opinions. Once that box has been constructed we then try to put God in it. The result of this doxology or worship is theology that is as far away from biblical precepts that its pathetic. Worship today teaches that man is the apex and that he is worthy of God's time and attention. This theology produces selfishness, greed and pride.
In scripture we see worship begins with God and everything else stems from Him. His holiness, goodness, judgement, omniscience, etc are the things that fuel the wonderful worship of scripture. This biblical method of worship produces sound theology where God is the top of the food chain. It is a theology where man is so unlike God, sinful, poor, blind and naked that the reality that God would even look upon us is overwhelming.
My challenge for you in this is simple. Worship out of the overflow of who God is and what God has done; not out of how you feel and what you think. Worship in a way that produces and teaches sound theology and not this modern-day garbage that is being produced!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
1:17 PM
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Our Joy
No poem today like yesterday. But I do have some thoughts. As it turns out I am not a popular guy in my community. Apparently I am a male chauvinist and archaic in my views. I must admit that my flesh is infuriated and vengeful by the rumor-mill that is circulating about me; a small town Baptist Preacher that is trying really hard to preach sound doctrine and win souls to Christ. But in my heart and the deepest crevasses of my being I am hurt no I am crushed. I am grieved that tempers are flaring and pride is springing up in some who think they are doing good but in reality they are hurting the body of Christ. It is nothing more than gossip and slander.
What does this have to do with joy? The truth of scripture is clear that we are blessed when we face trial and tribulation of many kinds. Weeks like the ones I've had are working out God's will for my life. These weeks are trying to teach me submission to God and they are developing character. So as weird as this sounds I find myself filled with joy in Christ in the middle of my circumstances. I am joyful in Christ and the Bible teaches that the joy of the Lord is my strength.
So today I make this declaration for Satan and his demons and for any who read this blog. My joy is Jesus Christ!!!! Not this world...not popularity....nor your opinion of me. My joy comes from the inescapable beauty and grace of God Almighty. My obsession will from this day forth be with what God thinks and what His opinion is of me. I wish to live this way in order to please God and make the world look the way it really is to the Christian; like a fleeting, trivial, worthless thing that has no power and produce zero joy.
I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
12:05 PM
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Nature of Beauty
Sunrise, sunset, symphonies and sonnets are pale by comparison.
To compare Thee to these is worthless and weak expressions.
How could we seek to compare Your awesomeness to ashes?
We attribute beauty to things that will be trampled where You’ve trod
This makes us guilty of sin; we belittle a gigantic God.
Our God is the superlative of every good thing we choose to call Him by.
You are far more lovely than earth or moon or sky.
The amazing beauty of God is prototypical, inherent and intrinsic.
All other beauty is derived, contingent and dependent.
They are but streams flowing from your radiance.
The hope of the believer is to forever gaze upon this beauty. (Psalm 27:4)
A gaze that should be our tremendous joy not just duty.
Astounding is the reality that You are the God we cannot see.
Invisible yet more beautiful than any word our mind could birth.
You are the nature of beauty!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
1:16 PM
Labels: poetry
Monday, November 2, 2009
Mind Dump
I can remember when I figured out that Santa Clause was not real. I believe I was about 8 years old. Christmas had come and gone and my brother and I had really racked up!! One day we were playing in the house and we found our way into my mom's closet; a place that we were never to go. Now I know why. This was the place our toys were kept. It was also the place that my mom kept a few of the boxes of the toys that "Santa" had just left a few nights before. I have never been a smart guy but I could always put two and two together.
I remember feeling horrible. The reason I didn't get certain toys wasn't because Santa was watching but it was due the fact that my mom and dad didn't get them for me!!!
After being in ministry for a number of years I am starting relive some of those same emotions. You see I have always thought of myself and a good judge of character. I spend time with people and listen to them and watch them; sometimes without their knowledge and I can just figure them out. But what I am finding is just how wrong I can be. People who I thought had discernment faithfully watch TV preachers that teach false doctrine. I have people in my area that love a man who doesn't believe in The Trinity!!!! There are people who will nod and smile to your face and vote in ways that support your agenda...then on Monday they will spread gossip and miss-information throughout the community.
The past 10 days have been humbling to say the very least. I have been reminded of just how flawed and imperfect I am. It has also been a week of mind battles and spiritual warfare.
It is weeks like this one that make the return of Christ all the more sweet. Hurry Lord Jesus!!!!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
7:14 PM
Monday, October 19, 2009
Check out this video that someone sent to me this morning. Take 12 minutes and watch this.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
9:30 AM
Thursday, October 8, 2009
It Never Fails!!!
Sometimes when we sit down as a family to eat the phone will ring and my wife will say, "It never fails!" This is a quote from her grandmother. It seems like the telemarketers just know when your about to eat and they show up right on time.
I am convinced that Satan is the same way. For the better part of three months every sermon I have preached as been about Jesus Christ; His Divinity, His humanity, His Substitutionary Atonement, His Imputed Righteousness, and the Justification issued by God. With God's blessing people have been moved. Conviction has been brought on. People are asking the tough and real questions about their salvation. And I know the Devil just hates it!!!
There has been opportunity to exercise true Church Discipline. God is giving me opportunity to confront heretical theology in some of my members.
God is moving and working and bringing glory to His name and Satan can't stand it! That is why he has shown up and is doing some things of his own. I have members fighting mind battles of fear and doubt. I have others struggling with emotional issues like depression. Some are even fighting the battle with their flesh trying to not to get angry and take things personally.
I have never been more mentally and spiritually fatigued. But I am also excited that for reasons I can't explain we have become worthy of such satanic opposition.
Please pray for my church and for me and above all else pray that God would be mighty and that He would be glorified!!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
9:24 AM
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Marvelous Magnet
My personal Bible study and sermon time has solely revolved around the person and work of Jesus Christ. Not fluffy...make you feel good junk but doctrinal study. But I must admit that all of the wonderful doctrines surrounding Christ invoke within me more worship and awe than any pragmatic sermon or book.
Let me give you an example. The Crucifixion of Christ is so wonderful that if we only had the scriptures that deal with the death of Christ that would be enough to warrant our fear and worship of God forever.
Spurgeon called His crucifixion the "Marvelous Magnet." He said, "Preach Jesus Christ. That is the recipe for catching men's ears and laying hold upon men's hearts."
What a wonderful truth...The Son of Man lays His life done willing; to be crushed; to be cursed; to be cussed; so that sinful men might be saved!!! Who needs these modern day "ear tickling" messages and books? What could possible be better than the thing that Luther referred to as "The Great Exchange?" Christ was crushed for our sin and we received His righteousness? The imagination of man could never cook up something better than that.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
12:06 PM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Eggs, Toast, and Revelation
Monday morning I had breakfast with a good friend of mine at The Huddle I love the Huddle House. We talked about many things; mostly college football. However in the middle of bashing Georgia's offensive play calling, my friend began sharing something that is still blowing me away on Wednesday.
The Church is trying to be more than it was intended to be. You see the most important thing in my life is my personal relationship with Christ; being right with the Thrice Holy God of creation. With this primary relationship comes responsibilities. For example its my job, given unto me by Christ, to evangelize and then make disciples. This according to the Great Commission, which is a call for every individual disciple. The next relationship in the created order of things is my marriage. I am called to be a husband. This marital relationship led to children which is third in the order of things. I am a father!!
What has happened throughout the ages is the church which comes after personal relationship with Christ and family has taken it upon herself to try to relieve me of my duties in the other relationships. As a result people are forsaking their God-given responsibilities because we have this idea that when the collective is doing okay we are all okay.
For example; I wonder how many people never share their faith because their church has a visitation team or FAITH team or something similar? How many people never serve in missions because they sprinkled their conscience clean by giving money to Lottie Moon? How many parents never open the Bible at home and disciple their children because they think the Youth Worker or Children's leader is teaching them all they need to know?
Are the previously mentioned programs bad things? I don't think so but they don't take the place of what I am called to do and be personally. The church exists to be a support for a person's individual faith and for the family. She doesn't exist to take the place of those things. As a pastor my conviction is to be a leader that places responsibility where it belongs and to preach and teach and pray in a way that would empower people to be what God created them to be; not to take away from those things.
Man...its amazing where God will show up and reveal things!!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
9:30 AM
Monday, August 31, 2009
Best Baptism Service
Last night I got the chance to see the best baptism service of my life. Thad a man from my church got to baptize his oldest son, Nate. It was so intimate and sweet. Words can't really do the whole thing justice. After the service I told Thad that his pastor was jealous. I can't wait to lead my children to Christ and Baptize them.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
12:53 PM
Friday, August 21, 2009
And We Wonder Why People Don't Know Christ
After my son's pediatricians appointment I went by Lifeway to look for some material for men's bible study at my church. Man I hit the jack pot too....I found some Charles Spurgeon sermons on men in the Bible. But just a few shelves over was some of the most horrible garbage I have ever seen being passed off as a bible study. Yes that's right you can learn how to be a follower of Christ with the Beverly Hillbillies bible study. There was also one for I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith, Gilligan's Island and Bonanza.
I didn't know if I should laugh or set the store on fire. I thought is was a joke at first but it wasn't. Is this what the church has come to? To be honest I don't even know what to say except heaven help us!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
2:44 PM
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sovereign in Stupidity
In our world of pragmatism and humanism many people are under the delusion that God can only do great and amazing things if and when we do enough to "help Him out." In our culture we have elevated man to place of superiority and importance that he doesn't belong. We assume that we have a pretty good grip on things when in reality we are not even hanging by a thread.
God has been constantly showing me two things; His sovereignty and my complete lack of control. Just yesterday our Lord revealed to me through Scripture that even in stupidity; those moments where we act in compulsion or haste; He is in complete control and is working His will out for His glory.
Let me explain. Judges 11:29-40 is a passage that shows Jephthah making a ridiculous vow to sacrifice the first thing that comes out of his house if God would grant unto him victory. At the end of this story, after God gives the victory, it is Jephthah's one and only child that comes from his house. Every sermon I viewed and commentary I read said this guys was an idiot for not only making this vow but also for carrying it out. While this is certainly the case in the flesh in the spiritual realm this was the only way that the nation could be forgiven once again by God.
You see in Chapter 10:13 God made a vow; a promise. He told the nation that we was done delivering or saving them. God was tired of their idolatry and playing the harlot with other gods. The only way a vow could be broken was for one of the parties to die. God being God isn't going to die so that only leaves the nation. So in the act of, what appeared to be a random act of stupidity on the part of Jephthah God was working out a way that His grace and mercy could be shown once again to the nation.
What a beautiful image of Jesus Christ. It seems ridiculous that the only begotten Son of God would die. The Apostle Peter understood this which is why he tried to talk Jesus out of it until Christ rebuked him. Jesus died so that God could forgive my sin. Without that death, something that in the flesh seemed crazy, I would be lost and helpless.
Praise God for His Sovereign grace and mercy!!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
9:17 AM
Friday, July 10, 2009
The De-Churched
If you are a pastor or you heavily associate with pastors you will find our very quickly that inactive membership is a point of interest. Why do people just stop going to church? Specifically we are seeing writers, teachers and preachers speak in volume about the epidimic that is the almost total absence of people in their 20's in our churches.
I just started pod-casting a guy at the request of several friends of mine. He is a young guy (35 years old) but he is so insightful. Take a listen to Matt Chandler and some of his thoughts about the "de-churched." This is good stuff!!!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
3:53 PM
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Willing Willful To Be Willed
A month ago I was in our Association office and I listened to three older pastors argue and debate on the issue of free-will. At this year's Southern Baptist Convention one of the opening addresses dealt with the divide over the issue of the Sovereignty of God and the free-will of man. The plea was for Southern Baptist to lay down their arguments and preach the Gospel.
A brief time spent in reading and research would reveal that this debate has been a long one to say the least. And it has been a heated debate also. I saw a little heat from those 3 older pastors as they debated the topic. I heard some grumbling and saw a few heads shake at the convention when that guy mentioned the "doctrines of grace".
While this topic has been one of great interest to me over the years I just can't make myself get all up in arms. Do I disagree with people? Most certainly! But I don't get fighting mad.
At the end of day I accept the Bible as authoritative and I do by best to let it be my guide as I seek to please Christ.
In my sermon prep this month I have been in Exodus and recently I came across a gem. Exodus 6:1, which says, "Then the LORD said to Moses, Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh; for under compulsion he shall let them go and under compulsion he shall drive them out of his land." What a great verse for in it the Sovereignty of God and the will of man are clearly seen and they fit together perfectly. God tells Moses that He is going to actively do something in and with Pharaoh yet Pharaoh will be acting under compulsion. Did he know it was God? I don't think he did. He thought it was his idea and based on his authority.
Do I have a free-will? Yes I do. But could it be that my choosing Christ was guided by an Omnipotent God whose will is stronger than mine? I must admit that from my reading of the Bible I believe the answer to this question is yes. Might I be wrong? Certainly but at this point in my life I am okay with being being willing willful to be willed by God.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
10:49 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009
Whats In a Name?
Ive been preparing for a new sermon series...a series that will deal with the Gospel. My desire in this is to see lost people saved and saved people set a fire.
I thought that a good place to start is with our understanding of God...and the best place to start is with God's name. My studies led me to a passage in Psalm 9:10 which says, "And those who know Thy name will put their trust in Thee..."
Do we lack trust and understanding because we don't know God's name? This knowing means that we understand God's character and nature. I can't wait to see where this sermon series will go and what will happen. Pray for me and my church. There is much underneath the surface. We just need revival and awakening.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
9:43 AM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The importance of obedient kids
A wonderful revelation has come to me in recent weeks about children. Ask yourself...why is important for children to be obedient? Some would say obedient kids are not an embarrassment to their parents. Otherwise might say they they want their kids to be obedient for their safety. While these are valid these answers to the question are no different that the answers that pagan parents would give.
It is in Ephesians 6:1-3 that much is revealed about the spiritual implications of obedience. In order to understand the context of this passage the reader would have to back up to chapter 5:15 and then read. Paul teaches us that God wants us to be wise, understanding, spirit-filled people. Those who fit this description will follow proper authority in their life. For children this is their parents. Therefore the reason I want to raise my children to be obedient is much more important that their safety and my embarrassment. I want to teach them how to live a spirit-filled, wise life by submitting to authority.
If only we could get our churches to embrace this truth. Maybe just maybe there would be more who were obedient to Christ!!!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
10:01 AM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Ministry of The Wife
The bible is clear that there is nothing new under the sun. However, I firmly believe that we need to be reminded of some things from time-to-time. Now if I would have published this blog in the days of Spurgeon, Luther, or Whitfield they would have said, "well duh." But in today's culture the things I am about to write seem foolish.
I believe the bulk of the problems and sin in the modern-day church are the result of people being unbiblical in their homes. You see I am preaching through Ephesians 5:22- 6:4 and some things have occurred to me.
I just finished preaching on submission of wives to their husbands. You could see the lack of comfort on the faces of many of my people but I preached anyway. Most of us are blinded by feminism and we lack a proper understanding of this role and ministry of the wife. The thought that a woman should be subject to her husband is repulsive in our culture; a culture that is making men and women equal in all things. But we can't get away from the scripture! As I began to sink my teeth into the truth of God's Word something hit me......the lack of submission to God by the church is the result of the lack of submission in the homes. No wonder we have generations of people who think they can ride co-pilot with Christ; its because of a generation of men and woman who are trying to wear the paints together in their marriages. No wonder our children don't listen to and respect authority; they don't see their parents practicing biblical headship and submission at home.
I know this seems like mindless ranting but think about it! Pastor's and teachers can't undue what is being done at home. One or two sermons a week isn't a drop in the bucket compared to all the unbiblical actions or in actions taking place in the home. So I beg you wives out there to be biblical in your role and submit to a husband who shows biblical headship. It effects much more than your effects the church.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
10:16 AM
Friday, May 1, 2009
Amazing....The Power of the Gospel!!!
This week I began some pre-marital counseling with a couple that has asked me to perform their wedding service. In session one I simple gave them some books to read (of course Family Driven Faith was one of them) and I hit the highlights of what we would be discussing. However, in session one I revealed to them that not one thing we would discuss in future meetings would matter at all unless they were both "born again."
I told them that I was not a "marring Sam"; just looking to marry anyone who asked me to perform a service. You could tell the brutal honesty was a little uncomfortable for them but they listened. I then proceeded to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When I was covering the part where Christ was crushed for our sins the young man of this engaged couple became almost pail and quiet. He was no longer nodding his head and saying "yes sir" but he was listening to every word coming out of my mouth...not missing a single point.
Before I could call for repentance he stopped me and simply said, "To be honest I don't believe I am saved." This was huge because he knew that I would not do their service if they were "unevenly yoked". But he wasn't thinking about marriage to his fiancey but marriage to the Bride Groom, Jesus Christ.
If you are reading this please pray. I left this guy with the Gospel and his conscience that night. We will meet again in a few weeks and I pray he will have gottened saved.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
9:54 AM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Spurgeon's The Man!!
I want to be more like Spurgeon. If only the church would have listened to this. Things would be much different today. Take 6 minutes and let this hit you where you are.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
10:30 AM
All About Jesus
In recent weeks a revelation has hit me. All of Scripture is about Christ. Now before you say "amen" take a moment and think. What is the first thing you look for or ask when reading scripture? For most the answer is self. We look for the application or the meaning for us. What it teaches about God is usually a distant 2nd. Not only do we look for how the scripture is for us but we look specifically for the positive application not he negative.
As a minister I can definitely say much repenting has been taking place in my life. For years the first thing I looked for in sermon prep was the application for me and my audience; always looking to make me and the congregation "feel" better about our plight. What a load of garbage!!!
Scripture...from Genesis to all about Jesus Christ! It is all about His glory, nature and character. It is not about me and my preaching, praying and teaching should reflect that.
Now don't misunderstand me. I believe there is much to be applied from scripture but I thinkt he application will change when we start looking at it from the standpoint that its all about Jesus.
Just a thought for today.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
10:01 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Bible and Parenting
I am preparing to speak at a church this Friday night to the men's ministry group and their wives. I wasn't given a topic so that means I am going to hit them with the truth that men and women in our churches are not living up to the expectations that the Bible places upon them. I will discuss multi-generational faithfulness. I will hit them with the idea that it is the parents job; not the youth pastors or Sunday school teachers; to disciple their children.
Basically I will speak about all the stuff that has caused some people and pastors to look at me funny or even label me as a man "on the other side of the spectrum."
But today I was looking at the most recent copy of the Christian Index. On page 18 there is an interesting article about the role of faith in parenting. What gets revealed is that men and women who claim to be Christian have no idea what the bible says about the role of the parent. When the 1200 people where asked what mattered most; being godly or having faith was only mentioned by 9% of the people. However, 77% of those interviewed identify themselves as Christians.
Why oh why are we so focused on the world? Revival and awakening will never happen in our churches until it first happens in our homes!!! Until we understand that the fall-away rate of our youth and the abscense of the 20-somethings is directly related to the lack of good biblical parenting things will never change.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
11:40 AM
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Coffee House or Church
I am amazed by the ironic sometimes. Some might find it to be a surprise but I have some friends in ministry that I completely disagree with on certain things. One of the major differences is the methodology of church. Now don't get me wrong I don't care what building a church meets in because its just a building. I don't care what type of music is used during worship. I don't care how long we sing or pray or preach because the Spirit will lead in different ways. I don't care if you have "Baptist" in the church name or if you want to be non-denominational.
But here is some irony I have come across in recent months that just blows my mind. In this new church movement statements like "authentic", "genuine", and "real" keep getting thrown around in mission, vision, and value statements. The leadership in these churches (many lead by friends of mine)are directly or at least indirectly saying that their church is different and like no other. As a matter of fact some friends of mine are assuming that within their methods they are capturing the bare essentials of the true church found in Acts. But again we must notice the ironic.
Isn't if funny that these "new" churches are all using the same catch phrases (real, authentic, genuine)? How come everyone of them has to incorporate coffee in their plans? One friend of mine in Tennessee has a church that bought a building (an old Movie Gallery) that is right next to their church and they are putting in a coffee house. How come true or real worship in these "new" churches has to be played with a guitar? Let me point this out just in case you missed it. All these churches that claim to be different from all the rest are just like each other. Irony at its finest.
Just a thought I had today.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
11:31 AM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What The Peace of God Looks Like
Today, a few hours actually, there will be a funeral at my church for a member that passed away on Sunday. His name is Bobby and he died at age 55. He had a long fight with cancer. This week my "job" as pastor has to been to minister to and comfort his family, specifically his wife. However, this has been a hard task for his wife has been like a rock. Now I don't mean that she is cold and emotionally detached, that is certainly not the case. But she has been strong!! She has been at peace, with a calmness that can only be explained by the power and grace of an all-sufficient God that gives us what we need when we need it.
Her attitude and conduct has ministered to me more over these past few days than mine has to her. She is truly a woman of God and I am better for even knowing her much less being here pastor. She is truly a picture of the peace of God.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
10:52 AM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
"Its My Church"
I have a gripe today. Imagine that Andy is upset about something and needs to get it off his chest. Seriously, I am a pretty laid-back guy that has a lot of fun living this life that God has given me and if I blogged everyday you would see that. However, there are some things that just get on my nerves and I post them here for my benefit but if it can challenge you then great.
I was sitting in my office this morning reading the February Christian Index and there was a little article that caught my eye. In short the Executive Committee of the SBC is looking to terminate the membership of a church in Texas for the stance they have taken on homosexuality. Article 3 of our SBC constitution give them the right to do this. As controversial and heated as this matter is the one thing that caught my eye in the whole article was the brief section on the pastor who left shortly after the church called for a vote to kick him out. The vote failed but he left anyway (can't say I blame him). The interesting thing and reason for this blog was that some church members said that the reason the pastor was asked to leave was over use of the church facilities. Apparently the pastor supported a project that would allow homeless people to stay at the church at night.
This led me into my memories of countless people in churches that I have served at who have this attitude of ownership when it comes to the church. These people are usually easy to spot at business meetings. Heaven forbid we use our buildings to help out homeless people!! I just wonder where this attitude comes from, certainly not the Bible for the scripture teaches us that it is Christ's church, the people and the building. But lets me honest; this "my church" mentality doesn't just stop with "outsiders." Some members think they have more of a say-so or a right to the building that other member; because of money given or time spent in membership.
I wonder what a church would look like that used its facilities for the glory of God. I have seen a glimpse. There have been multiple blood drives at our church. There have been senior events for the community in our building. I wonder what else we could do? Kind of makes you think.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
11:26 AM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Invitation or Warning
After a few meetings/encounters this week my mind is weighted down with thought. It is nothing ground breaking but something I would consider to be obvious if people would only read the Bible. I had a meeting this week concerning the low number of baptisms in our area churches. I have spoken with fellow pastors about evangelism methods and one thing keeps coming out....people think that following after Christ is easy!!! Our invitations are simply that; inviting; warm and fluffy. But isn't this call to follow Christ really a warning more than an invitation?
In Luke 9-23-26 we learn that "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it."
The call to follow Christ is a warning. John MacArthur puts it this way. "If you come to Christ, it may make your family worse, not better. It may send a shift into your family, the likes of which you have never experienced before. IF you give your life to Christ, there will be an impassable gulf between you and people who don't give their lives to Him."
This is much different than the typical evangelism going on in our churches. But I would be willing to bet that our "numbers" would have much more integrity if we honestly warned people about the truth of discipleship rather than embelishing the words of Jesus.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
12:04 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Love The Shack?
Go to or into any Christian bookstore and you will a book called The Shack on the best sellers list. I have had friends and relatives sing the praises of this book to me.
Therefore, due to its popularity I wish to take this opportunity to warn anyone who may read this blog about the dangers of books like this one. Although it claims to fiction the book offers teaching on the Trinity; incorrect and dangerous teaching on the Trinity to be exact.
Listen to Mark Discroll and tell me what you think.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
2:43 PM
Any Men Out There?
I just got off the phone with a minister friend of mine who just wanted to play catch up. As we were conversing the topic of church and ministry eventually came up and my friend spent some time complaining about the lack of participation of men in his church. "If we could get half the men to work like the women we would be better off", he said.
My friend is not alone. I have often wondered why men are less likely to participate in church than women. I have heard other pastors complain about the very same thing, often using the very same phrase as my friend.
So in honor of that I want to post a John Piper video for you guys. He says it better than I do anyway. Enjoy!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
2:31 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
Only God Will Judge Me
Can I just do a brain dump real quick?
When I was driving home from a hospital visit yesterday I got behind a truck that had a very interesting message on the back window. It said, "Only God will Judge Me" it big white letters. I remember seeing this on a bumper sticker as well and also on a T-shirt.
I guess people think that this little statement frees them from the opinions or rules of others. I guess in our society where no one wants to be confronted and told they are wrong this statement brings some level of comfort. But what if people really took the time to think about the theology behind this statement? Yes God will judge you. What if that sank into their heads? I bet they would live differently.
Every idle word,every sinful thought as well as action; the guy in that truck is going to stand before Christ and give an account. I wish people would live like this. I wish "Christians" would live like this!!! Heaven help those who get what they deserve in judment!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
1:52 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Perfect Little Family
If you keep up with this blog then you know God used a book entitled Family Driven Faith to impact my life. It really challenged me as a husband and as a father. One of the things the author addresses is general attitude of the culture towards children. According to the author of this book our society thinks the perfect family is one that has two children; a boy and a girl. You get a free pass to have a 3rd child if your first two are the same sex. I must admit that I really didn't buy in to this idea. Surely most people don't feel this way.
I think I might have been wrong. My wife is 3 months along now in this pregnancy and people are starting to ask questions. "Do you hope its a boy?" "What are you going to do if it's a girl?" "If it is a boy are you guys done?" When me or my wife respond and say no we are not done...we would like at least 4....people look horrified.
Are you kidding me? That is what I want to ask in reply. Who cares if its a boy or girl? Why is it a big deal to have more than 2? Im just not sure when the unwritten rule of one boy and one girl came into effect.
I love being a father. My little girl brings me such that I can't even express with words. I am so proud of her and she hasn't really done anything. I think the "perfect family" is the one that God provides. So I day "bring them on Lord." We will take more than two if You will let us!!!
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
9:30 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009
They are watching
If you know me very closely you know that I am an avid player of video games. I can't get enough of them really. Many times, later at night, I go to the end of the house where my TV and xbox are and I lay on my little couch and I play for hours. Sometimes I stay up later than I should. However, the confessions of my video game addiction is not why I am writing this blog.
I have a 20 month old daughter and she loves her daddy. When I am home with her she follows me around sometimes grabbing at my legs to prevent me from going into other rooms of the house. She watches me and listens to me. At times I will be in the kitchen speaking with my wife and little Cooper is standing just below me looking at me while I speak; taking it all in.
Well today I came in the house and guess what I saw? My little girl was sitting on my couch with my xbox controller in her hand, leaning back on my pillows, looking just like her daddy, saying, "oh no" at the TV. It was so funny yet so revealing of truth. Our children watch us. In my spirit I just thanked God for my daughter and I prayed that I would always be reminded that she is watching.
"Lord may I teach Cooper to follow me as I follow Christ. Amen!!!"
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
11:29 AM
Monday, January 5, 2009
Gets me every time
So the new years has brought some exciting opportunity for me. MY wife is offering a Christian Ethics class as an elective at the private school where she teaches. This gives me the chance to go in about 2 to 3 times a week and lecture and discuss things with 14 high school seniors.
Today's class was simply an overview of what it means to be a Christian. After-all it is hard to understand a Christian ethic until you first understand what makes one a Christian. So the first question I asked this group of students is..."What makes a person a Christian?" The answers I got still make my head hurt.
"Asking Jesus into your heart." "Believing in Jesus." "Trying to live a good life." "Talking about God and doing what He says." These were the answers to my question. Many of these kids attend churches in the area. These responses are typical and part of the stats that we read about but man it just gets to me every time I hear them. How can these young people think this stuff?
If believing made anything true then the Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause would exist. The Devil believes in Jesus. There is not one verse that says, "ask Jesus into your heart." No one can live a good enough life for God because the Bible says "our best deeds are as filthy wrags before God."
I am greatful for this door that God has oppened for me. I pray that many of these students would find salvation by repenting of their sins and trusting Christ!!! Pray for me.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
3:30 PM