The bible is clear that there is nothing new under the sun. However, I firmly believe that we need to be reminded of some things from time-to-time. Now if I would have published this blog in the days of Spurgeon, Luther, or Whitfield they would have said, "well duh." But in today's culture the things I am about to write seem foolish.
I believe the bulk of the problems and sin in the modern-day church are the result of people being unbiblical in their homes. You see I am preaching through Ephesians 5:22- 6:4 and some things have occurred to me.
I just finished preaching on submission of wives to their husbands. You could see the lack of comfort on the faces of many of my people but I preached anyway. Most of us are blinded by feminism and we lack a proper understanding of this role and ministry of the wife. The thought that a woman should be subject to her husband is repulsive in our culture; a culture that is making men and women equal in all things. But we can't get away from the scripture! As I began to sink my teeth into the truth of God's Word something hit me......the lack of submission to God by the church is the result of the lack of submission in the homes. No wonder we have generations of people who think they can ride co-pilot with Christ; its because of a generation of men and woman who are trying to wear the paints together in their marriages. No wonder our children don't listen to and respect authority; they don't see their parents practicing biblical headship and submission at home.
I know this seems like mindless ranting but think about it! Pastor's and teachers can't undue what is being done at home. One or two sermons a week isn't a drop in the bucket compared to all the unbiblical actions or in actions taking place in the home. So I beg you wives out there to be biblical in your role and submit to a husband who shows biblical headship. It effects much more than your effects the church.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Ministry of The Wife
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
10:16 AM
Friday, May 1, 2009
Amazing....The Power of the Gospel!!!
This week I began some pre-marital counseling with a couple that has asked me to perform their wedding service. In session one I simple gave them some books to read (of course Family Driven Faith was one of them) and I hit the highlights of what we would be discussing. However, in session one I revealed to them that not one thing we would discuss in future meetings would matter at all unless they were both "born again."
I told them that I was not a "marring Sam"; just looking to marry anyone who asked me to perform a service. You could tell the brutal honesty was a little uncomfortable for them but they listened. I then proceeded to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When I was covering the part where Christ was crushed for our sins the young man of this engaged couple became almost pail and quiet. He was no longer nodding his head and saying "yes sir" but he was listening to every word coming out of my mouth...not missing a single point.
Before I could call for repentance he stopped me and simply said, "To be honest I don't believe I am saved." This was huge because he knew that I would not do their service if they were "unevenly yoked". But he wasn't thinking about marriage to his fiancey but marriage to the Bride Groom, Jesus Christ.
If you are reading this please pray. I left this guy with the Gospel and his conscience that night. We will meet again in a few weeks and I pray he will have gottened saved.
Posted by
Andy Blankenship
9:54 AM